Visceral Manipulation
Visceral Manipulation is based on the specific use of soft manual forces to encourage the normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera and their connective tissues. These gentle manipulations can potentially improve the functioning of the individual organs, the systems the organs function with and the structural integrity of the entire body.
The visceral system relies on the synchronicity between the motions of all organs and structures of the body. When an organ cannot move in harmony with its viscera due to abnormal tone, adhesions or displacement, it works against the body's other organs, fascial, and muscular tissues. This lack of harmony creates fixed, abnormal points of tension that the body is forced to move around resulting in chronic irritation, paving the way for disease and dysfunction.
Visceral Manipulation relies on the palpation of normal and abnormal forces within the body. By using specific techniques, therapists can evaluate how abnormal forces interplay, overlap, and affect the body's normal forces at work. The goal is to help the body's normal forces remove abnormal effects, whatever the sources.
Creative Therapeutics Physical Therapy has two therapists that have training in this fascinating technique. Sandra Bausman, PT and Nancy Larson, PT completed the Physical Therapy Program at CSUF in 1979 and have continued their education with multiple courses in manual therapies to improve function and balance of the human body. Visceral Manipulation is an extensive course study with broad applications.
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